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Non-fiction Book Club


  1. Solicits, reviews and selects books for review at the Non-Fiction Book Club.

  2. Selects titles for discussion according to the following process:

  3. Four books will be read each year, one in each WISE session.

    1. Titles will be selected through an email-based nomination and voting system.

    2. To nominate a title, one must have read the book.

    3. When a book is discussed, the person who nominated it will lead the discussion.

    4. Nominated titles may be of any non-fiction genre - science, history, biography, et cetera.

    5. Any book nominated should be accompanied by a "Publisher's Weekly" type of summary or a brief personal statement about what the nominator liked about the book.

  4. Arranges venues for the Group to meet and discuss the books that have been selected.

  5. The Group Coordinator:

    1. Prepares an annual report, which lists the books read and their authors, and submits it to the President.

    2. Makes recommendations to the President regarding appointments to the Book Club on an annual basis, and no later than April 1, each year.

  6. Fosters a culture of teamwork, respect, acknowledgement and participation.


No. Name Position Term Started Term Expires
1 Bill Forbes Coordinator 2019 2021

Meeting Schedule

Meetings will be scheduled through the WISE office as needed, according to the following guidelines:

  • Each meeting will be 1.5 hours long.

  • Multiple meetings may be held within a single WISE session to discuss long or dense books.

  • During the selection process, the nominator will recommend the number of meetings for each book.

The number of meetings for each book selected will be determined as part of the voting process.

Document History

Version Approved Notes
1.0 Council: November 13, 2019
 1.0.1  Converted to HTML

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Worcester Institute for Senior Education (WISE)
Assumption University, 500 Salisbury Street, Worcester MA 01609

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