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Zoom Participant Basics

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How do I join a Zoom meeting from my computer?

There are two ways to join a Zoom meeting:

1.    Via the Zoom meeting link: The easiest way to join a meeting is to click on the link sent to you via email or found on the course/meeting web page.

2.    Manually: If for any reason the link provided does not work, open Zoom on your device, then click “Join a Meeting.” You can then manually type in the Meeting ID and Passcode which are found in both the meeting email and on the course/meeting web page here.

How do I join a Zoom meeting from my smartphone?

Zooming is mostly the same on a smartphone, but you may encounter a few different steps. Here are two ways you can join a Zoom meeting from a smartphone (Apple/ Android):

Option 1: Join with a Meeting Link

·       Use the Zoom meeting link your received via email, or access the link from the course/meeting web page

·       When you click the Zoom meeting link, your phone will automatically open Zoom

·       You will be prompted to enter the meeting Passcode (if required)

·       You may also be promoted to allow permissions for Zoom to access your camera and microphone

Option 2: Join with a Meeting ID

·       Open Zoom: Tap the Zoom application icon on your phone

·       On the main screen, select Join a Meeting to join without an account (most users will choose this option) or "Sign In" if you have a personal Zoom account

·       Enter the Meeting ID in the space provided

·       Enter your name in the second box so others know who you are

·       Tap Join

·       You will be prompted to enter the meeting Passcode (if required)

·       Tap Continue

Helpful Hints:

Here are a few more prompts you might see when using Zoom from a smartphone:

·       Set audio options: If prompted, choose how you want to hear others:

o   Tap “Wi-Fi or Cellular Data” if you are using the internet; this is the preferred method of audio connection for the majority of users

o   Tap “Dial in” if you want to call into the meeting using your phone

·       Preview your video: You will see a preview of your video; tap Join if you are ready to enter the meeting

What do I need to do once I am in the Zoom meeting?

You can just sit back, listen, and enjoy! But to get the most out of the experience, below are some basic features to ensure you can see, hear, and participate effectively in the session.

Helpful Hints:

·       Remember that volume is controlled through your device settings, not Zoom; make sure your volume is set at a comfortable level for you, as the control is typically found at the bottom of your screen, even when Zoom is not in use.

·       For better clarity, many people find it helpful to use headphones, earbuds, or even a direct connection to hearing aids. If you are in a noisy environment, using headphones can improve your ability to hear the meeting content.

I am using Zoom on my phone; what features are available to me?

Here are some of the features you may see on your phone when you are participating in a Zoom meeting/class. Remember that not all smartphones are the same, so your menu options might vary slightly.

What each button does:

·       Mute/Unmute Microphone: Tap this to turn your microphone on or off

·       Start/Stop Video: Tap this to turn your camera on or off

·       Participants: Select this to view who is in the meeting

·       Chat: Select to send instant messages to the group or to specific people

·       Reactions: Use emojis like a thumbs up or clapping hands to react during the meeting

·       Share Screen: Show your screen to others (like a photo or document). NOTE: Screen sharing is only available if you are the meeting Host or Co-Host

·       Captions: Turn on live captions (subtitles) to see what people are saying in text form

·       More (three dots in the lower right corner): Selecting this will show even more features that are available to you, such as raising and lowering your Zoom hand

·       End (top-right corner): Tap this to leave the meeting; select "Leave" to exit the meeting (Only the Host should select "End for All" to end the meeting for all participants).

Helpful Hint:

On occasion, the Zoom meeting may begin before the Host is able to join. A Host is important for two reasons:

1.    Screen sharing is not available without a Host present

2.    The Zoom meeting might “time out” or end before the allotted time due to licensing restrictions

The good news is that anyone in the meeting can make themselves the Host:

·       On the lower right-hand side of the screen is the"Claim Host" button – click on this to become the Host

·       When prompted for the Host Key enter 082311. The Host Key is 082311 for all WISE classes and meetings.

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Worcester Institute for Senior Education (WISE)
Assumption University, 500 Salisbury Street, Worcester MA 01609

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