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  • 05/27/2021 2:11 PM | Karl Hakkarainen (Administrator)

    The WISE Annual Meeting approved a number of by-law changes and elected officers and Council members for the upcoming academic year. 

    See the WISE Annual Report, Meeting Agenda, and By-Laws for details.

  • 05/15/2021 8:39 AM | Karl Hakkarainen (Administrator)

    The following article appeared in the Winter 2021 issue of The Chamber Exchange newsletter, a quarterly publication of the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce. 

    WORCESTER - The Worcester Institute for Senior Education (WISE) hosted by Assumption University makes it easy for lifelong learners to stay engaged with 30 rotating courses. Offerings range from uplifting to mysterious with unique selections like “Great Movie Music,” “Introduction to Bird Watching,” and “Imposters, Con Artists and Their Webs of Deception.” Assumption President Dr. Francesco C. Cesareo says religion and politics courses have become the most popular programs in recent years, adding that WISE has grown a great deal since its inception in 1992.

    Read more

  • 05/01/2021 8:42 AM | Karl Hakkarainen (Administrator)

    Art history, bird watching, and immunology are three of the many topics explored in classes offered by Assumption University' WISE program.

    Read more at the Fifty Plus Advocate

  • 01/28/2021 8:47 AM | Karl Hakkarainen (Administrator)
    In this episode, Dr. Tej Maini, President of Worcester Institute for Senior Education (WISE) at Assumption College, and Monica Gow, Director of WISE, discuss this program and the wide variety of college level courses offered to Seniors through Zoom.

    Listen to the show on YouTube.

  • 10/20/2020 8:57 AM | Karl Hakkarainen (Administrator)

    As kids and teens settle in behind laptops and monitors for remote learning, there’s a new age group now logging on.

    See the news segment on Fox 25.

  • 09/24/2020 9:05 AM | Karl Hakkarainen (Administrator)

    Senior program takes to Zoom during pandemic

    WORCESTER - Barbara Groves is a past president of the Worcester Institute for Senior Education and the current curriculum chair, and she has taken WISE courses for 15 years, mostly at Assumption ...

    Read more at the Worcester Telegram website.

  • 08/24/2020 9:16 AM | Karl Hakkarainen (Administrator)

    Senior citizens continue to be a population largely affected by the coronavirus pandemic, as senior care facilities, nursing homes, senior centers, and programs adapt and fight to protect the well-being of elders.

    Read more at the Worcester Business Journal website.

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Worcester Institute for Senior Education (WISE)
Assumption University, 500 Salisbury Street, Worcester MA 01609

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